Hello my lovelies !
Today, I am going to share a basic pastry recipe : strawberry and raspberry sauce. So easy to make, so good, you won’t even think to buy some at your supermarket… This sauce will be the special topping for so many of your desserts : plain yoghurt, cheesecake, poundcake, and many more !
Take advantage of the seasonal fruits ! Why not make preserves with your strawberry and raspberry sauce?
So today it’s strawberry and raspberry because I grew some in my backyard… Organic, harvested just when they are ready to be, fed with water and love … (how poetic don’t you think ?? 😉 ). Now, it’s up to you to change the recipe with any other red fruits you like.
You can make this recipe with your Thermomix, if you have one. If you don’t, no problem ! You’ll have the step by step recipe for your strawberry and raspberry sauce with a regular pan.
In this case, just be carefull when you will cook your fruits with a cover on your pan. It might overflow your pan since the sauce will boil easily… No need to say it happened to me … 🙂
Now you are craving for homemade red fruits sauce! The recipe, chef !
Squeeze the lime. If you have a Thermomix, put all the ingredients in the bowl for 6 minutes, speed 5 at 80 degrees. Then go to step 7. If you don't have a Thermomix, put all the ingredients in a pan. Cook gently for 12 minutes with a cover on your pan. Mix your sauce. Sift the sauce to take away the seeds. Let it cool down. It's ready ! You can change the recipe as much as you like depending on the red fruits you have: 100% strawberries, 100% raspberries, red currants, blueberries, ...Strawberry and raspberry sauce
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