Meat & Seafood/ Vegetables

Pork Stew with Vegetables

Hello my dear foodies!

Are you looking for a good idea for your Sunday lunch? You want something tasty, perfect for grey winter days and something that won’t keep you for hours in the kitchen? Stoooop right there!! You just found what you’re looking for: the pork stew with vegetables! Tadaaa!!! 🙂

Cherry on the cake, or shall I say rosemary on the meat (my humour is irresistible today!!), this pork stew with vegetables is rather light. Taste, pleasure at the table combined with diet?? Want!!!

The key point in this recipe is to cook slowly and gently the meat and veggies. You will smell the tastes in your kitchen, the vegetables will remain firm, the meat will be smooth….

Now, shall I say more to convince you?

Oh, I was about to forget… It’s a cheap full meal!! If you are a 5 person family, take a 1 kg piece of meat (8 or 9 euros per kilo), a few vegetables (5 or 6 euros), a chicken stock cube from Maggi and that’s it! You’ll have a full meal, balanced, generous (I counted 200 g of meat per person!!) for less than 3 euros per person!

Isn’t it a dream come true?

Last comment by the way…

Your pork stew will have the perfect taste and texture if you cook it with the right casserole: with a thick ceramic bottom for an homogeneous heat. I use the cocottes from Staub which are amazing and quite lovely too!! You will have them on your table keeping your dish warm and giving a good look at your table!

Now, the recipe, Chef!

Pork Stew with Vegetables

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viande française
Serves: 5-6 Difficulty: Easy Price: $
Cooking Time: 2 heures 30 min


  • 1 pork loin 1 kg - 1,2 kg
  • 20 g butter
  • 3 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 onion
  • 4 cloves of garlic
  • 2 carrots
  • 2 potatoes
  • 1 zucchini
  • 2 tomatoes
  • 1 slice of butternut
  • 1 chicken stock cube
  • 1 teaspoon of tomato concentrate
  • Laurel
  • Thyme
  • Rosemary
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Mild red pepper
  • Espelette red pepper
  • Ground ginger



Peel and cut the vegetables. Chop the onion.


Melt the butter with the oil in the cocotte. Roast the pork loin until golden on each side.


Set aside on a plate. Fry the onion in the cocotte.


Add the garlic, then the veggies. Cook for 4-5 minutes.


Add the pork loin and the juice that you may have in the plate.


Lower the heat.


Prepare 1 liter of broth with the chicken stock cube. Pour on the pork loin and vegetables.


Add the tomato concentrate, the spices and seasonings.


Do not add salt at this point (the broth is salted), do not add pepper either.


Let cook slowly for 2 hours with cover.


Turn the pork loin upside down at half cooking time.


When cooking is over, check the sauce seasoning with spices, salt and pepper.


As far as vegetables are concerned, do whatever you want, whatever you like: pumpkin, turnips, celery, ...

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