Hello my friends!!
Today we will have another easy recipe that will give the little “je ne sais quoi” to your desserts: the passion fruit sauce!!
As it is a super easy recipe, I won’t make a long speech.
Just a quick introduction about passion fruit… (Thank you Wikipedia !!)
The passiflora edulis, commonly called passion fruit, is a vine species from the family of the Passifloraceae, that is native to southern Brazil, through Paraguay and northern Argentina. It is cultivated commercially in tropical and subtropical areas for its sweet, seedy fruit, the passion fruit.
As vine, the passiflora edulis has a growth habit of trailing or scandent (that is, climbing) stems, lianas or runners. There are over 100 varieties.
This fruit is a great source of vitamin A and vitamin C.
Let’s get back to our passion fruit sauce now…
You can have it as an insert in an entremet (as you can see on the pic here), as a delicious sauce on your yogurt, for a pannacotta, as a topping for a no bake cheesecake or simply as a seasoning for a fruit salad.
Let’s do this!
The recipe, Chef!
Squeeze the lemon. Remove the passion fruit pulp. If you have a Thermomix, put the passion fruit pulp, the lemon juice, the sugar, honey and ginger in the bowl for 6 minutes, speed 5 at 80 degrees. Then go to step 6. If you don't have a Thermomix, put all the ingredients in a pan. Cook gently for 8 minutes with a lid on your pan. Mix your sauce. Sift the sauce to take away the seeds. Let it cool down. It's ready !Passion Fruit Sauce
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