Desserts/ Celebration/ Sweet Snacks

“Lace” Cookies

Hello my friends!!

I’m sharing a recipe with you today that I wanted to make for a while now.

Here are the “lace” cookies!

I’m pretty sure it’s not the right name in English since I made it up !! 😉 But I couldn’t find a translation, so I made my own. In French, it’s litteraly “lace tiles”. If you have a good translation for me, feel free to give it !! 😉

You will enjoy those “lace” cookies with a nice cup of tea or a good coffee. You can also add it on your dessert when you serve it by the plate.

The recipe isn’t complicated at all, there are just 2 points to take into consideration.

First, it’s mandatory to leave the batter at least for 2 hours and a half / 3 hours in your fridge. This way, the batter will harden and you will be able to make you batter tablespoons. This time will also enable the flavors of lemon and clementine zests to spread in the batter…

Second, make sure to leave enough space between the tablespoons of batter. The batter will spread a lot, really a lot… When cooked, your cookies will have almost 15 cm diameter !

This being said, it’s a piece of cake!!

You can keep your “lace” cookies in a metal box for several weeks, they will keep their delicious taste and their texture.

The utensils:

A sauce pan with thick bottom (Affinity by De Buyer for me),

A zest grater,

A good whisk,

Baking paper sheets

And a rolling pin, a bottle, etc to shape your cookies.

Be carefull at this point: you must shape the cookies right after taking them out of the oven because they will freeze very quickly.

You’re ready to start!

The recipe, Chef!

Lace Cookies

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Serves: 12 pces Difficulty: Easy Price: $
Prep Time: 10 min + 2 heures 30 min Cooking Time: 10 min


  • 65 g butter
  • 65 g almond powder
  • 130 g sugar
  • 30 g flour
  • 50 g orange juice
  • 1/2 lemon zest
  • 1/2 clementine zest



Melt the butter at low heat in a sauce pan.


Remove from the stove and add the orange juice.


Add the rest of the ingredients, mix well.


Set aside in your fridge for 2 hours and a half / 3 hours.


Preheat your oven at 180 degrees.


Place 5-6 small tablespoons of batter on a baking paper, leave enough space.


Cook until you get a nice caramel color (approx 10 minutes with my oven).


When your "lace" cookies are cooked, place them immediately on a bottle or a rolling pin to shape them.


Start again until you use all the batter.

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  • Reply
    Monday May 13th, 2024 at 02:00 PM

    J’ai suivi la recette à la lettre mais ça n’a pas du tout donné le même résultat. Pas d’aspect dentelle malgré les 10 min à 185 degrés. C’était bon, mais je ne reprendrai pas cette recette.

    • Reply
      Monday May 13th, 2024 at 02:15 PM

      Bonjour, quel dommage. Avez-vous une photo pour que je puisse vous aiguiller sur ce qui n’a pas bien fonctionné ?

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