I think I just had a major crush!! And it’s quite possible that this recipe will be made again and again in the coming weeks !!
Here is the recipe of the famous and delicious Parisian brioche!!
Before starting with the recipe details, I wanted to get to know a little bit about the history of the brioche. And, of course, I’m sharing it with you!
The brioche, as it is known today, was created in Normandy in the 16th century. The brioche dough itself was created in the Middle Ages, pastries looking like our current brioches were made at that time. The brioche is made with flour, yeast, butter, milk and eggs.
It is said that the word « brioche » comes from the French verb « brier », an anciant way to say « grind », which was used as a way to say « knead the dough with a wooden rolling pin».
There are many kinds of brioche, and today you will enjoy the delicious Parisian brioche. It is super easy to recognize, it is made with two dough balls, the small one on top of the large one, baked in a fluted mold.
You can make two versions: as a whole large brioche or as little individual ones. I did both with my De Buyer molds. See how it’s perfectly cooked and unmolded! I can still work on the shaping… I will train some more!! 😉
If you go for little brioches, reduce the baking time to 12 minutes.
I found my recipe in Christophe Felder ‘s cook book “Patisseries!” and made a few slight modifications. This recipe is just amazing! After 3 days, the Parisian brioche still tastes amazing, fresh almost like just out of the oven. Super moist, super cute, be ready to get a wow effect with it on your breakfast table!
The utensils:
A food processor with kneading accessory
And brioche mold(s).
Shall we start?
The recipe, Chef!
Pour the flour, sugar, salt and yeast in your food processor bowl. Make sure the yeast won't touch the salt or sugar. Add 3 eggs and knead at low speed (2 on a scale from 1 to 6) for 3 minutes. Help with your spatula if needed. You should get a firm dough. Add the butter cut in pieces. Knead again at medium speed (3-4 on a scale from 1 to 6). Your dough shouldn't stick to the bowl anymore after a few minutes of kneading. If not, add 1 o 2 tablespoons of flour. Cover with a linen and leave to rest in a hot and rather humid place for 1 hour. Work the dough with your hands gently on your workplan with a little bit of flour. Make a large and a small ball of dough. Place them in your mold, with the small one a bit deep into the large one. Cover each brioche with a clingfilm and let rise for 2 hours in a hot and rather humid place. Preheat your oven at 180 C / 355 F degrees. Mix the egg yolk and milk. Brush gently your brioche. Bake 25 minutes while checking on the color of the brioches. Let cool down on a grid before eating.The Parisian Brioche
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