Desserts/ Fruits/ Ice Cream

The Nectarine and Lime Sorbet

Hello my lovelies!

Here is today a new sorbet recipe, let’s enjoy summer as much as we can!!

And this one could be my absolute favorite this year: the nectarine and lime sorbet…

I already posted a few recipes on the blog:

– my strawberry sorbet

– my Tahiti vanilla ice cream

– my coconut milk sorbet from the French Antilles

– my strawberry ice cream

– my candied apricot and rosemary sorbet

– my pineapple sorbet

– my melon sorbet by Michalak

We will add one more to the list with a great combination!! To be totally honest with you guys, I wanted to make the same recipe as my melon sorbet one, but I didn’t have any lemon left. A little lime was giving me this look from the bottom of my fridge… I tried!

And the result is awesome. The lime just points out the sweetness and delicacy of the nectarine without replacing it. The lime taste is like a suggestion, when you just finish eating… A nice surprise that makes all the difference! Especially with white nectarines, which was my choice here.

As always I will make this nectarine and lime sorbet with the “lifechanging element” (I know … too much drama maybe !! 😉 ) : the glucose syrup.

I already told you that the glucose syrup will prevent the sorbet from crystallizing. Pastry chefs use stabilizer additives to get smooth textures as we love them. We, simple bakers, don’t have access to this kind of products and that’s why the glucose syrup will be very helpful!!

You may have some already in your kitchen, especially if you have already made my salted butter caramel. If not, you will surely find some at your regular supermarket!

Honestly, follow my advice, you will not regret it!!

Another point, the sugar quantity. I give you here a quantity that can be modified. Just because the fruits don’t always have the same sugar rate. You can decide to put only a part of the quantity I mentionned. You will then taste the preparation before freezing it and adjust if needed. And it also depends on your own taste in matter of sweetness.

The utensils:

One ice cream maker,

A thermometer (7-8 euros in your supermarket),

And a hand mixer (or blender).

Let’s make nectarine and lime sorbet!

The recipe, Chef!

The Nectarine and Lime Sorbet

1 Star2 Stars3 Stars4 Stars5 Stars ( Vote !)
Serves: 1 l Difficulty: Super easy Price: $
Prep Time: 10 min Total Time: 3 hours


  • 350/370 g nectarines (without stones)
  • 100 g water
  • 100 g caster sugar
  • 75 g glucose syrup
  • 1/2 lime juice



Cut the nectarines in pieces. Set aside in a large bowl.


Heat the water at 45 degrees.


Mix the water, sugar and glucose syrup.


Heat at 85 degrees.


Pour on the nectarines, add the lime juice and mix.


When the texture is smooth, set aside in the fridge.


When it's cold, place in the ice cream machine.


It's done!


I kept the nectarine skin that has a lot of vitamins and gives the nice pink color.

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  • Reply
    Monday July 1st, 2024 at 07:31 PM

    Est-il possible de faire sans sorbetière ? Si oui, comment?

    • Reply
      Tuesday July 2nd, 2024 at 08:58 AM

      Oui, vous mettez la préparation directement à congeler. Ce sera moins aéré, moins onctueux mais le goût sera là

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