Appetizers/ Celebrations/ Starters

Savory Salmon and Lime Cheesecake

Celebration appetizer? Celebration meal starter? Appetizer? Starter?

It’s so delicious that it’s hard to choose!! So hard to choose if you are going to have your savory salmon and lime cheesecake for appetizers or as a starter. What a dilemma…

Well in this case, let’s see both options!

As I said you can make this recipe as a starter, in large portions (around 7 or 8 cm diameter), served with lettuce for instance. This way, you will get 6 servings.

Or you can go for the appetizer solution and make 15 to 18 cheesecakes.

In both scenarios, you can present your savory salmon and lime cheesecakes in pastry rings, silicon molds or littles jars.

In the first two options I recommend to put gelatine in the cream in order to have a firm texture (as shown on the photos). If you choose jars, it won’t be necessary.

You can easily prepare this cheesecake the day before. Just keep in mind to add the smoked salmon before serving. If you put it the day before, it might dry a little.

The utensils:

A large mixing bowl

My professional whisk by De Buyer

Pastry rings or jars.

Shall we?

The recipe, Chef!

Savory Salmon and Lime Cheesecake

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appetizer française
Serves: 6 Difficulty: Easy Price: $
Prep Time: 15 min Cooking Time: 3 heures


  • 300 g cream cheese
  • 120 g cream (30% fat)
  • 130 g crackers
  • 60 g butter
  • 3 tablespoons olive oil
  • 140 g smoked salmon
  • 1 lime or 1/2 lemon
  • 2 gelatine sheets
  • 1 teaspoon ground ginger
  • 1 teaspoon ground coriander
  • 1 handful fresh coriander (or chive)
  • Pepper



Place the gelatine sheets in cold water.


Mix the crackers.


Melt the butter. Add the olive oil then the mixed crackers.


Place this mixture in your molds or jars, set aside in your fridge.


Whisk the cream cheese in a large bowl with zest and lemon or lime juice.


Heat the cream (do not boil). Add the soaked gelatine sheets and mix.


Add the ground ginger, ground coriander, pepper and choped coriander or chive (save a few for decoration).


Pour the cream and whisk.


Fill in your molds or jars, flatten and set aside in your fridge at least 2 hours (longer if you can).


Before serving, cut the salmon, add it to the cheesecakes. Spread chopped coriander or chive.


I don't add salt in this recipe because the cream cheese and salmon are salty enough. You can add smoked salmon cubes in your creamy mixture if you want more salmon in your cheesecakes.

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