World Food/ Gastronomi/ Meat & Fish

Salmon Teriyaki, Gordon Ramsay Style

Hello my friends!

What if we made a Japan-England combo today? Okay, said like that you can be wondering where this is going but believe me when I say that the salmon Teriyaki, Gordon Ramsay style, is amazing!!

This recipe is simply fanstatic!

It’s delicious,and that’s point number 1 … flavours, tenderness, tastes…

It’s ready in 5 minutes (except the resting time and cooking time). And we love this! Point number 2.

It’s super easy to make! I say yes!! Point number 3.

And it does change from our usual salmon recipes, it makes us travel! Point number 4.

You get it, this salmon Teriyaki, Gordon Ramsay style, is a real treasure!!

The key ingredient is the sauce. Everybody knows soy sauce, of course. The Mirin sauce, maybe not so much. It’s actually a kind of rice wine. You can find it in the Asian corner of your supermarket or in an Asian grocery store.

I also used my sesame and colza oil by La Tourangelle. This is a gastronomic oil, deliciously flavored with sesame that will bring the final je ne sais quoi to your dish.

This “Gordon Ramsay” version is different from the other regular Teriyaki recipes because there is maple syrup, garlic and fresh ginger root in it. They all bring a delicate but amazing taste, it makes all the difference!

If you don’t find the Mirin sauce, you can buy a ready-to-use Teriyaki sauce. In such case, add garlic and ginger.

The traditional side dish is white rice. Nevertheless, you can combine it with steam vegetables or a parsnip puree for instance!

I like to have my salmon cut in cubes, I think that the sauce gets deeper inside the fish during the resting time. Also I prefer the presentation with cubes on the rice. But you can make the same recipe with salmon fillets or salmon steaks.

The utensils:

A bowl

A sharp knife

And a large frying pan.

Shall we now?

The recipe, Chef!

Salmon Teriyaki, Gordon Ramsay Style

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Serves: 5 Difficulty: Super easy Price: $$
Cooking Time: 2 hours 15 min


  • 600 g salmon fillets
  • 60 g soy sauce
  • 60 g Mirin sauce (rice wine)
  • 2 tablespoons maple syrup
  • 1 garlic clove
  • 2 cm fresh ginger root
  • 2-3 tablespoons sesame colza oil by La Tourangelle
  • 1 handful sesame seeds
  • Salt
  • Pepper



In a bowl mix the soy sauce, the Mirin sauce and maple syrup.


Peel and cut into thin slices the garlic and ginger. Add to the sauce.


Cut the salmon in 1/2 inch cubes. Add them to the sauce.


Mix gently and leave to rest for 2 hours.


After 2 hours, heat the frying pan and grill the sesame seeds. Set aside.


In the same frying pan, heat the oil, cook your salmon cubes at high heat until golden on each side (2 minutes on both sides should be enough).


Add 3-4 tablespoons of the remaining marinade. Cook 2 more minutes.


Add salt (not too much because the sauce is already salted), pepper, spread sesame seeds and serve!


If you don't have maple syrup, put 30 g of sugar.

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  • Reply
    Sunday May 3rd, 2020 at 05:40 PM

    C’est très savoureux, rapide, ce sont des saveurs qui changent, bref, un succès !
    Merci pour cette recette !

    • Reply
      Sunday May 3rd, 2020 at 06:14 PM

      avec plaisir Céline !

  • Reply
    Tuesday December 29th, 2020 at 12:28 PM

    Super recette!
    Testée à plusieurs reprises! Un délice! Miam ? ?

    • Reply
      Tuesday December 29th, 2020 at 07:35 PM

      J’en suis ravie ma belle !!

  • Reply
    Sunday January 30th, 2022 at 02:37 PM

    Quelle sont les proportions pour 8 personnes ?
    Merci de votre réponse

    • Reply
      Sunday January 30th, 2022 at 06:08 PM

      Vous faites une fois et demie les quantités 😉

      • Reply
        Monday January 31st, 2022 at 01:45 PM

        Merci !

  • Reply
    Saturday April 2nd, 2022 at 11:14 PM

    Hello! Merci pour cette super recette que nous allons faire dès demain. Je n’ai que de la sauce terriyaki, quelle est alors la quantité à mettre ?
    Belle soirée

    • Reply
      Sunday April 3rd, 2022 at 12:16 PM

      Bonjour ! Prenez 120 g ça ira 😉

  • Reply
    Marie-Henriette catteau
    Tuesday June 14th, 2022 at 05:09 AM

    très bonne recette et en plus en français ce qui n’est pas souvent pour les recettes de ce chef

    • Reply
      Tuesday June 14th, 2022 at 09:26 AM

      j’en suis ravie ! merci !

  • Reply
    Tuesday February 20th, 2024 at 05:57 AM

    Bonjour Emma, catastrophe !! Plus d’huile de colza fruitée au sesame en rayon, la tourangelle a définitivement cessé de produire cette huile (leur service client vient de me le confirmer). Par quoi la remplaceriez -vous ? Je trouve l’huile de sesame un peu trop parfumée… Ce saumon terriaky est devenu le plat de fête des anniversaires de mes enfants, il faut absolument que je trouve quelque chose pour la remplacer 😉

    • Reply
      Tuesday February 20th, 2024 at 03:07 PM

      Bonjour Caroline,
      Prenez une huile végétale telle que colza, tournesol, avocat ou autre 😉

      • Reply
        Tuesday October 22nd, 2024 at 06:33 PM

        Oh merci je n’avais pas vu votre réponse. J’essaierai peut être Julie d’avocat, mais il en faudra aussi au sesame qui rajoute un petit goût agréable quand même. Comment doseriez vous ?

        • Reply
          Thursday October 24th, 2024 at 08:36 AM

          alors je ne suis pas sûre de comprendre votre question… 😉

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