Appetizers/ Basics/ Vegetables/ Vegan

Red Onion and Vegetable Pickles

Hello my lovelies,

Today it’s a condiment recipe that I’m going to share. Your burgers, toasts and sandwiches won’t look the same after you’ve read the following lines…

Yes, color, flavor and texture will be added to quite a few of your meals with my red onion and vegetable pickles!

Let’s see the recipe, Chef!

Red Onion and Vegetable Pickles

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condiment française
Serves: 2 pces Difficulty: Easy Price: $
Prep Time: 10 min Cooking Time: 5 min


  • 2 red onions (or vegetables)
  • 100 g sugar (1/2 cup)
  • 230 ml white vinegar (1 cup)
  • 345 ml water (1 cup 1/2)



Peel and cut the onions in thin slices. Set aside in a jar.


Heat the sugar, vinegar and water up to a boil.


Pour on the onion slices. Close the jar with a lid and let cool down.


Keep in your fridge for 4 to 5 weeks.


Wait 3-4 hours before eating.

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