Desserts/ Sweet Snacks

French Madeleines

Belly or no belly, that is the question!!

Yes, you are still on a French food blog! 😉

Today we’re going to talk about belly, or to be more precise how to get the perfect belly shape! Here are the French madeleines!

You might be in the same situation as I was in: you have tested several French madeleine recipes, with more or less success, with a more or less elegant belly, and sometimes with a not so convincing taste. Does this sound familiar? Anyway, that’s my story!!

Having the French madeleines belly feels like being able to make macarons, it can be an obsession!

So I don’t know if this is THE recipe, but these delicate little shell shaped sponge cakes are sweet, buttery, and so yummy!

My French madeleines have the perfect belly (I think you can’t argue that), they are smooth and delish. You get it, I made French madeleines… 😉

I won’t lie to you, success comes with a few remarks:

– first you will have to make the batter the day before. The batter will need to rest and be very cold. If you have a sudden French madeleines desire, it’s going to be tricky. The least is 4 hour rest in your fridge. Not less.

– then, you have to manage the temperature contrast. You know now that the batter must be very cold. Your madeleine mold should be too (best thing to do: butter the mold, flour it and place it in your fridge). That’s the reason why I prefer metal molds. And for the temperature contrast, your oven should be preheated.

– finally, you will have to lower the oven temperature right after putting the French madeleines in it, that’s key for a good baking.

Now you have my advices and the recipe, you’re going to be a chef!

The utensils:

A food processor with whisk,

A small sauce pan,

Madeleine molds

And a piping bag to fill in the alveoli (that’s very handy).

Shall we now?

Let’s make French madeleines!!

The recipe, Chef!

French Madeleines

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Serves: 30 pces Difficulty: Medium Price: $
Prep Time: 20 min Cooking Time: 10 min


  • 4 large eggs (210 g without shell)
  • 225 g sugar
  • 300 g flour
  • 12 g baking powder
  • 150 g butter
  • 55 g honey
  • 1 lemon
  • 1 lime
  • 1 vanilla pod



The day before, melt the butter and honey in your sauce pan.


Pour the flour, sugar, baking powder, vanilla seeds and the lemon and lime zests in your food processor bowl.


Start whisking and add the eggs one by one.


Whisk for 5 minutes at rather high speed (4 on a scale from 1 to 6).


Reduce the speed to the lowest and add the melted butter and honey.


Whisk at medium speed (3 on a scale from 1 to 6) for a minute.


Place a cling film directly on the surface and set aside in your fridge for the night.


The next day butter and flour the madeleine molds. Fill them in up to 3/4.


Place them back in your fridge.


Preheat your oven at 210 degrees.


Place your madeleines in the oven and lower the temperature immediately to 170 degrees. Cook 8 to 10 minutes according to your oven.


Remove from the oven, let cool down 5 minutes before unmolding.

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  • Reply
    Wednesday September 2nd, 2020 at 03:44 PM

    Comme elles me font envie tes madeleines !

    • Reply
      Wednesday September 2nd, 2020 at 08:47 PM

      oh merci !!!! belle soirée !!

  • Reply
    Sarah Aubouin
    Sunday November 1st, 2020 at 11:47 AM

    Bonjour, un grand merci pour cette nouvelle recette que je découvre et que je vais m’empresser de tester pour le grand bonheur de mes enfants !!
    Petite question pour les madeleines nappées de chocolat (comme sur votre photo) comment préparez vous votre chocolat et à quel moment nappez vous les madeleines de ce chocolat qui semble exquis ?
    Merci pour votre aide !!

    • Reply
      Sunday November 1st, 2020 at 02:55 PM

      Merci Sarah !
      Je fais fondre le chocolat au bain marie très doucement, je laisse le chocolat refroidir un peu pour qu’il reste liquide mais pas trop fluide et après je trempe les madeleines. 🙂

  • Reply
    Friday March 5th, 2021 at 07:30 AM

    Bonjour, pourriez-vous svp nous dire quel type de farine il est préférable d’utiliser ?

    • Reply
      Friday March 5th, 2021 at 12:06 PM

      Bonjour Cécile, prenez de la T45 ou T55 😉

      • Reply
        Saturday March 6th, 2021 at 09:04 AM


  • Reply
    Sunday January 16th, 2022 at 11:13 AM

    Bonjour, ma pâte n’est pas liquide en sortant du frigo. J ai mis des petits tas dans les alvéoles mais est ce que ça va marcher? Combien de temps au frigo dans les moules?

    • Reply
      Sunday January 16th, 2022 at 11:43 AM

      C’est normal, la pâte doit se tenir. Remettez au frais pendant 10-15 minutes, le temps de préchauffer le four.

      • Reply
        Sunday January 16th, 2022 at 12:00 PM

        Le résultat est parfait! Merci

        • Reply
          Sunday January 16th, 2022 at 12:04 PM

          cool !!

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