Chocolate/ Desserts/ Sweet Snacks

Chocolate Choux

Hello my friends!!

Are you ready to fall in love? Are you ready to be obsessed by food, now, immediately??

Obsessed by what? By delicious chocolate choux of course!!

I had this recipe in mind for a while now and when I had the opportunity to make an online pastry workshop about chouquettes (yes I can do that too! for those who would be interested!!), and I thought it was the perfect moment!

You get it, my chocolate choux are actually chouquettes filled with a delicious and smooth creamy chocolate curd. To die for!! If you don’t put any sugar pearl, you’ll get regular choux, hence regular chocolate choux. Also, you can go for eclairs shape and make chocolate eclairs. It’s the exact same recipe here.

The choux batter I’m sharing here is a bit different from the one by Christophe Adam already on the blog, mainly regarding the ingredient part since the making process is again the same. With this recipe I found my choux less soft, which is a good point when you add creamy chocolate curd or vanilla curd (which is a good alternative).

As always with choux pastry, you will have to be very precise when measuring the ingredients for your chocolate choux. And also make sure to dry the batter once you add the flour. To do this, you have two options: the first one is the one described in the recipe below (you keep the pan on the heat and you mix non stop) or you pour the batter in your food processor bowl once the flour added and you mix 2 minutes so that the steam will come out of the batter. This method can help prevent to over cook the batter.

The utensils you need:

A sauce pan with thick bottom,

A wooden spatula,

A whisk,

A baking mat or a baking tray with baking paper,

A piping bag,

A 10 or 12 round nozzle to pipe the choux

And a small round nozzle to fill in the choux with the creamy chocolate.

There you go!! Shall we?

The recipe, Chef!

Chocolate Choux

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Serves: 16 pces Difficulty: Moyenne Price: €
Prep Time: 30 min Cooking Time: 45 min


  • 2 egg yolks (for the chocolate curd)
  • 20 g sugar (for the chocolate curd)
  • 100 g cream (30% fat minimum) (for the chocolate curd)
  • 100 g milk (for the chocolate curd)
  • 80 g dark chocolate (for the chocolate curd)
  • 110 g eggs (2 large eggs) (for the choux)
  • 70 g milk (for the choux)
  • 70 g water (for the choux)
  • 60 g butter (for the choux)
  • 85 g flour (for the choux)
  • 1 teaspoon honey 1 teaspoon (for the choux)
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt (for the choux)
  • Sugar pearl (for the choux)



Make the creamy chocolate curd.


Mix the egg yolks with the sugar, do not whiten.


Boil milk and cream in a sauce pan, pour one half on the egg yolk and sugar mixture and whisk, then the second half.


Pour back in the sauce pan and cook at medium heat and keep whisking. (if you have a thermometer, keep the mixture at 85 C / 185 F degrees).


When you mixture gets thicker but is still liquid, remove from the heat.


Pour on the chocolate cut in pieces. Wait for the chocolate to get soft and whisk.


Set aside in your fridge with a cling film.


Make the choux.


Preheat your oven at 160 C/ 320 F degrees.


Pour the milk, water and honey in a sauce pan. Add the butter and heat until melted.


Increase the heat until boiling.


Lower the temperature (I put at 4 on a scale from 1 to 10) and add the flour and salt. Mix vigorously with a spatula until you get a homogeneous mixture.


Keep on mixing while your sauce pan is still heating slowly (we say that we dry the pastry) for 2 minutes and make sure that the pastry won't stick to the bottom of your pan.


Take the pan away from the heat and add one egg and whisk until you get an homogeneous mixture.


Add the second egg and whisk. Your mixture must be smooth and homogeneous.


Then put the pastry into your pastry bag and pipe your choux on a silicon baking mat or a baking paper.


Spread sugar pearls.


Cook for 35 minutes. Do not open the oven door during that time !


After 35 minutes, make sure that your choux have a nice golden colour (if not, leave them for a few more minutes while still watching).


When you take them out of the oven, wait 2-3 minutes and place them on a grid until they cool down completely.


Pour the chocolate curd in your piping bag.


Fill in the choux with the curd and set aside in your fridge until serving.

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  • Reply
    Friday October 30th, 2020 at 09:38 AM

    Aussi beaux que gourmands ces choux !

    • Reply
      Friday October 30th, 2020 at 09:45 AM

      Oh merci beaucoup !! On en a besoin !

  • Reply
    M Morin
    Sunday November 1st, 2020 at 09:50 PM

    Un régal !
    Merci pour cette délicieuse recette qui a enchanté petits et grands gourmands aujourd’hui… à refaire rapidement !

    • Reply
      Monday November 2nd, 2020 at 06:57 AM

      j’en suis ravie Marion !!

  • Reply
    Friday December 11th, 2020 at 04:47 PM

    Bonjour est ce que le crémeux peut se préparer la veille ?

    • Reply
      Friday December 11th, 2020 at 05:36 PM

      Bonjour Aurélie, oui tout à fait ! Filmez-le au contact pour éviter la formation d’une croûte 🙂

      • Reply
        Friday December 11th, 2020 at 07:02 PM

        Merci beaucoup !!?

    • Reply
      Saturday December 12th, 2020 at 11:25 PM

      Un délice!!!

      • Reply
        Sunday December 13th, 2020 at 07:39 AM

        top !!

  • Reply
    Thursday June 17th, 2021 at 11:58 PM

    Bonjour, merci pour cette recette je viens de la réaliser donc j’attends le résultat demain, en revanche les quantités me paraissent ultra light, sur la recette c’est écrit 16 choux mais la garniture n’ira pas au delà de 4 choux à mon avis, est ce normal ? Merci

    • Reply
      Friday June 18th, 2021 at 06:32 AM

      Bonjour Julie
      La quantité doit suffire, vous allez mettre environ 20 grammes par choux. Dans le doute, vous pouvez refaire de la crème, le reste se mange très bien à la cuillère ! 😉

  • Reply
    Saturday December 25th, 2021 at 10:39 PM

    Hello, any idea pour des choux au café?
    Merci Emma et joyeux Noel a vous tous

    • Reply
      Sunday December 26th, 2021 at 10:14 AM

      Hello Virginie, je n’ai pas encore fait de choux au café… désolée ! 😉 Joyeux Noël !

  • Reply
    Friday February 11th, 2022 at 05:47 AM

    Merci pour la recette. Puis je remplacer la crème fleurette par de la crème liquide entière pour le crémeux ?

    Merci bonne journée

    • Reply
      Saturday February 12th, 2022 at 02:48 PM

      Oui tout à fait !

  • Reply
    Thursday February 13th, 2025 at 11:51 AM

    Merci pour votre recette !
    J’ai une petite question sur les douilles… dernièrement ma mère m’a donné des douilles en inox (2 sortes) sur certaines y a le numéro mais d’autres rien… c’est enquiquinant (pour rester polie ?) donc je veux en commander sur Amazon (moins chères que site de Pâtisserie), qu’est-ce que vous en pensez, svp ? J’aimerais qu’elles tiennent dans le temps, et je les utiliserais régulièrement, donc si déjà j’en achète autant que ce soit de la bonne qualité !
    Je vous remercie d’avance pour votre réponse (que je vais attendre avec très grde impatience ?).
    Bonne continuation ??

    • Reply
      Saturday February 15th, 2025 at 03:44 PM

      je vous suggère les De Buyer. Le prix est raisonnable et la qualité indiscutable

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