World Food/ Desserts/ Sweet Snacks

The Tiramisù

Hey my lovelies!

Okay, I won’t lie, I can not lie to you. Tiramisu has been for a very long time the symbol of some kind of schizophrenic state for me … Let me explain… (I have to explain, right? 😉 )

I love tiramisu, I am such a huge fan! So I can be very (I mean very very) critical about the quality of tiramisus in restaurants or pastry shops. And I’m super critical about my own (not to mention the very constructive remarks I get from my very dear children ! Hum hum !). Well, for years I’ve been baking pathetic tiramisus. Aww !! I feel so much better now ! I’ve said it !! Wow ! Lighter than a feather !! 😉

Seriously, taste was good, which is already a starting point, but my tiramisus never had the appropriate firmness. They used to get close to a badly prepared porridge!!

I wouldn’t say I was having nightmares about it (though maybe once !!!), but I was starting to be seriously angry about it!!

A few weeks ago, I saw an amazing tiramisu picture on Pinterest. Impeccable ! The top layer of the tiramisu was made with a nozzle, it was beautifully done. This was too much to bare. Enough is enough! To make tiramisu or not to make tiramisu, that is the question !!

It’s your last chance Emma, if this one fails, you forget about tiramisu FOREVER! I made a deal with myself, hand shook my right hand with the left one (pastry can bring your brain in strange states, be very carefull …) and I tried for the last time!

First, I had to follow the link of the famous Pinterest pic, and found out an Italian girl’s blog. So I had to translate the recipe from Italian to French … Thank you Google Translate !

And I started !

The result you may ask ? See by yourself … even though there’s still room for improvment…

All I can say is that this is a killing recipe !! Taste is great and texture is as expected. I’m saved dear friends !! I’m saved ! We will keep on eating tiramisu !! Yay !!

Now, it’s your turn to “qualify” the Italian tiramisu form the Italian blogger!!

The recipe Chef !

The Tiramisu

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Serves: 6 Difficulty: Medium Price: $
Cooking Time: 15 hours


  • 250 g ladyfingers
  • Cold expresso
  • 2 tablespoons cocoa (non sugared)
  • 4 egg yolks (80g)
  • 114 g sugar
  • 34 g water
  • 250 g cold mascarpone
  • 200 g cream
  • 1 tablespoon iced sugar



Make a large mug of dark expresso and put it in the fridge.


Take a large bowl and put the mascarpone in. Set aside in your fridge.


In a pan, put the water and sugar. Heat until you get a syrup making little bubbles (2 minutes should be enough).


Add the syrup to the egg yolks in a bowl and whisk with your electric mixer for 5 to 6 minutes. The mixture should cool down. Put in your freezer for 2-3 minutes.


Add the syrup and eggs to the mascarpone and mix with a spatula until you get a creamy and homogeneous mixture.


Set aside in your fridge.


Make a firm chantilly cream with the cream and iced sugar.


Add the chantilly cream to the mascarpone mixture (use a spatula).


Set aside in your fridge for 2 hours.


After the 2 hours, soak briefly the ladyfingers in your cold expresso and make a layer in your dish.


Cover with mascarpone cream. Put the rest of the cream back in the fridge.


Cover with another layer of soaked ladyfingers and finish with a final layer of mascarpone cream.


Set aside in your fridge for 12 hours before serving.


Just before enjoying your tiramisu, spread cocoa over the cream layer.


Cold is key in this recipe. Respect carefully the mandatory fridge time. Don't put cocoa right after putting the last cream layer. Your cocoa would take the cream humidity and your tiramisu wouldn't be goodlooking.












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  • Reply
    Thursday November 2nd, 2017 at 10:04 AM

    Merci pour ce partage. Même problème ici d’un tiramisu au bon goût mais beaucoup trop liquide!
    114g de sucre et 34g d’eau? pourquoi une telle précision?

    • Reply
      Thursday November 2nd, 2017 at 01:54 PM

      Avec plaisir Claire !
      Alors pour le côté liquide, avez-vous bien respecté les temps de pause au froid ? Côté précision, c’est le principe de la pâtisserie. Il faut souvent être précis pour avoir un bon rendu.
      Pour régler le problème “liquide”, on peut tricher en ajoutant au sirop une feuille de gélatine trempée dans de l’eau froide. Et surtout bien laisser prendre la crème au frais. Voilà, j’espère que cela va régler votre problème.
      Bonne journée !

  • Reply
    Sunday November 25th, 2018 at 04:40 PM

    Bonjour, combien de temps faut-il laisser la crème à l’étape 11 ?

    • Reply
      Sunday November 25th, 2018 at 05:59 PM

      Juste le temps de déposer la deuxième couche de biscuits 😉

  • Reply
    Charlotte Baton
    Tuesday April 21st, 2020 at 04:44 PM

    Bonjour Emmanuelle, prochain challenge : le tiramisu ! Est ce faisable aux étapes 4 et 7 sans batteur ? Est ce possible de faire dans un robot ? Ou simplement au fouet ? Belle fin de journée !

    • Reply
      Tuesday April 21st, 2020 at 05:05 PM

      Bonjour Charlotte, alors les étapes 4 et 7 peuvent être faites dans un robot avec le fouet. Vous avez ça ?

  • Reply
    Charlotte Baton
    Tuesday April 21st, 2020 at 04:49 PM

    Et quelle taille de plat conseillez vous ? ?

    • Reply
      Tuesday April 21st, 2020 at 05:05 PM

      environ 18×25 cm

  • Reply
    Tuesday April 21st, 2020 at 05:08 PM

    J’ai un companion (depuis peu, je découvre donc) qui a un batteur mais je ne sais pas si c’est aussi bien qu’un vrai…

    • Reply
      Tuesday April 21st, 2020 at 06:06 PM

      ça devrait aller ! 😉

  • Reply
    Sunday May 3rd, 2020 at 06:17 PM

    Bonjour Emmanuelle, merci beaucoup pour cette recette, je pense que je vais me lancer! Des conseils de présentation si je pars sur des versions individuelles ? Merci 🙂

    • Reply
      Sunday May 3rd, 2020 at 06:33 PM

      Bonjour Geneviève, tout simplement dans des verrines, comme je l’ai fait pour le tiramisu à la fraise (la recette a été postée récemment)

  • Reply
    Wednesday December 23rd, 2020 at 05:32 PM

    Hello Emma, it’s me again…!
    Pour le servir demain soir, est-ce mieux de le faire ce soir ou demain matin?

    • Reply
      Wednesday December 23rd, 2020 at 08:52 PM

      ce soir … 😉

  • Reply
    Wednesday July 17th, 2024 at 10:08 AM

    Pourquoi mettre de la crème fraiche et de la gélatine ???? Ce n’est pas le vrai tiramisu !!! Et croyez moi j’en fais souvent, et jamais je n’ai de problème de tenue !!! Oeufs, mascarpone, battre les oeufs en neige (même si certains sites italiens préconisent de ne pas monter les blancs) et aucun problème …
    Bonne journée

    • Reply
      Wednesday July 17th, 2024 at 10:12 AM

      Bonjour Michèle, je pense que vous devriez mettre encore plus de ! et de ?
      Au risque de vous déplaire la vraie recette italienne est avec de la crème et pas des blancs d’oeufs. Quant à la gélatine, c’est un ajout personnel pour permettre un joli pochage, mais qui ne change rien au goût. N’hésitez pas à tester cette recette et vous y reviendrez. 😉

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