Coincidence of timing…
A few weeks ago, I found a crepe recipe by Mr Paul Bocuse and I thought that I would bake it for Candlemas. Since then, Mr Paul passed away…
A reason why, if we needed one, to choose this crepes recipe this year rather than another one…
I introduced last year a delicious crepes recipe on the blog. The little “je ne sais quoi” was what we call “the hazelnut butter” and of course an explanation on the origin of the crepes tradition for Candelmas. You can find all of it just right here.
But here, it’s better than good!! It’s the Rolls Royce of crepes!!
Before telling you more, here are all my crepe recipes for you to check out. Just as a reminder…
- the first crepe recipe I shared here 7 years ago… the Chandeleur crepes
- the savory crepe gratin or ficelles picardes (an absolute delight!!)
- the pear crepes with citrus and orange sabayon (for a chic, more gourmet version)
- the Baghrir crepes with a thousand holes, these famous Berber-origin crepes
- to make heads turn, the chocolate swirl crepes
- the buckwheat galettes with salmon, purse-style
- the tiramisu crepe cake, a little taste sensation!
- the Easter crepes, because crepes aren’t just for Chandeleur… at my house, we enjoy them all year round!!
- and my latest shared recipe, the fruit crepe makis.
This recipe from Mr Paul Bocuse has a fine taste and has a limited quantity of sugar and butter. We could almost say that this recipe is light!! 😉 You can easily have it for savory crepes. And bam! One stone, two birds!! My apologies to the traditional buckwheat pancakes advocates …
Here I suggest to serve your crepes with caramelized apples cubes. It will be an amazing dessert, that will be even better with vanilla ice-cream, or a great snack for teatime!
Of course, the regular toppings will be highly appreciated too: sugar, iced sugar and lemon juice, melted chocolate, honey, caramel, hazlenut paste, jams, …
The utensils:
A food processor with whisk (obviously this crepe batter can be made by hand with a large whisk, but the food processor comes really handy here),
A crepe frying pan (I take my Minéral B by De Buyer, it’s so much better than regular one, I have photos to prove that)
And a laddle!!
That’s it!
Let’s bake Mr Paul Bocuse’s crepes!
The recipe, Chef!
Crepe Batter Melt gently the butter in a pan. In a large bowl or in your food processor bowl, pour the flour, salt and sugar. Add the eggs and whip until you get an homogeneous mixture. Add slowly the milk while still whipping. Be carefull not to make any lumps at this stage! Add the melted butter and whip. You can pour the batter through a strainer to make sure there's no lumps. Set aside in the fridge for 1 hour. Topping Meanwhile, adjust the apple, butter and brown sugar quantities according to the number of caramelized apple crepes you want to bake. Peel and cut the apples in cubes. Melt the butter in a frying pan and stir fry the apples at high heat (7 on a scale from 1 to 9). When the apples start to golden, add the brown sugar and cook some more. Set aside. After one hour, heat the frying pan with some oil, pour a ladle of batter. Once golden underneath, flip the crepes over and cook some more. When the whole batter is cooked, enjoy!! Je fais fondre le beurre au bain marie pour éviter une surchauffe et cuisson du beurre.Crepes by Mr Paul Bocuse
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