Hello friends!
Easter is just a few days away, and I had to share a dessert that you’ll love to enjoy with your loved ones.
So here is my chocolate and praline Easter layer cake.
I created this recipe with indulgence and simplicity in mind. I also designed it so that you can prepare it in advance, to avoid getting caught up in the Easter rush.
Before getting into all the details, here are some other delicious ideas for your Easter dessert :
the Easter crêpes
the Easter lamb cake or Lämmele, which you can also serve for breakfast
the Easter cupcakes
the Easter bunny brioches (also for breakfast)
the chocolate and raspberry entremet
the milk chocolate and passion fruit charlotte
the Mouna Oranaise (for breakfast)
the no-bake mango and chocolate tart
or the mango and passion fruit entremet.
There’s plenty to choose from, right ? 😉
Now, back to our chocolate and praline Easter layer cake! As I was saying, the recipe is simple. It consists of three easy-to-make elements, which are among the most popular recipes on the blog :
a Molly cake, which I am offering here in a hazelnut version
a light buttercream, adapted here with praline
and my chocolate ganache, the same one I use to fill chocolate macarons.
To make this chocolate and praline Easter layer cake, you just need a bit of organization. Here are my recommendations :
the day before, prepare the chocolate ganache
also the day before, bake the Molly cake. Once cooled, wrap it in plastic wrap to keep it soft and prevent it from drying out
in the morning, make the buttercream
and then, all that’s left is assembling the cake
keep in mind that your chocolate and praline Easter layer cake will need to chill in the fridge for one hour after assembly
You can make this dessert the day before without any problem, it keeps very well. Personally, I find it even better. The praline buttercream will blend perfectly with the Molly cake. It will be even smoother in the mouth.
For decoration, I chose to add chocolate Easter eggs and figurines. But you can add meringues or fruit, for example. It’s up to you!
The necessary utensils :
A small saucepan,
A 24 cm mixing bowl (“cul de poule”),
A good whisk,
A piping bag and a round nozzle,
An electric mixer and/or a stand mixer,
A spatula,
A cooling rack,
A cake saw,
And a Panettone ring (or a tall 20 cm cake mold).
Now, you’re ready to put on your apron!
The recipe, Chef!
Chocolate and Praliné Easter Layer Cake
- Praliné butter cream
- 30 g water
- 72 g de sugar
- 54 g de egg whites
- 18 g sugar
- 3 egg yolks
- 180 g de sugar
- 72 g water
- 250 g butter at room temperature
- 50 g praliné paste
- 1/2 tablespoon cherry brandy
- Chocolate ganache
- 210 g dark chocolate
- 22 g unsweetened cocoa
- 80 g butter at room temperature
- 240 g liquid cream 30% fat
- Layer cake
- 100 g butter at room temperature
- 170 g sugar
- 10 g vanilla sugar
- 2 eggs
- 250 g flour
- 100 g ground hazelnuts
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 14 g baking powder
- 130 g milk
- 120 g cream
Praliné butter cream
Heat the 30 g water and 72 g sugar up to 118 degrees (you should get bubbles all over the surface).
In the meantime whisk the egg whites with 18 g sugar.
Pour the sugar syrup on the foamy whites and keep whisking until it cools down completely (several minutes). Set aside this Italian meringue.
Place the egg yolks in your food processor bowl and start whisking.
Heat the 72 g water and 180 g sugar up to 118 degrees (you should get bubbles all over the surface).
Pour the sugar syrup on the egg yolks, keep whisking until it gets foamy and white.
Place the butter in another bowl and whisk it. Add it to the previous mixture. Whisk until you get an homogeneous mixture.
Combine with the praliné paste.
Finally, add the Italian meringue and whisk at slow speed in order to add air in your butter cream.
Add cheery brandy if you want.
Cover with a cling film and set aside in your fridge.
Chocolate ganache
Heat the cream and remove form the stove once it starts boiling.
Pour on the chocolate and cocoa. Wait 1 minute or 2, then mix.
Add the butter cut in pieces. Combine.
Pour into a pastry ring covered with cling film.
Place a cling film on the surface and place in your fridge.
Set the remaining ganache aside at room temperature.
Layer cake
Preheat your oven at 160 C / 320 F degrees.
Whisk the butter at room temperature, the sugar and vanilla sugar.
Add the eggs.
In a separate bowl, mix the flour, salt and baking powder.
Add 1/3 of the flour/salt/baking powder to your mixture. Mix.
Add half of the milk and cream and whisk.
Start again with 1/3 of the powders, the rest of the milk and cream, and finally the rest of the powders. At each step, make sure to have an homogeneous mixture.
Pour in a buttered mold.
Bake for one hour.
Wait 15 minutes before unmolding and let cool down on a grid.
Place the disc of ganache in your freezer.
Cut 3 discs for cake.
Whisk the butter cream to make it smooth.
Pipe a layer of butter cream on the first cake disc.
Place a second disc on top, pipe a layer of butter cream. Place the ganache disc in the center.
Place the third disc, pipe the rest of the butter cream on top and on the sides.
Flatten the surfaces with spatula.
Spread the remaining ganache on the sides and flatten with a spatula.
Set aside in your fridge one hour before serving.
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